Dear students and families, This was a powerful week of learning—and that is a primary focus at GFSS. A strength of public schools is their commitment to building culture of learning—for everyone. Our school’s growth plan promotes strong student achievement in...
Dear students and families, This year, one of our school goals is increasing the positive, inclusive culture at GFSS. We work on this goal every day and this past week we certainly saw this positivity in action. On Friday, hundreds of students filled our bleachers to...
Dear students and families, What are you thankful for? At GFSS, we are grateful to work with families to build a safe and caring country. We are grateful to plan for and to spend our energy nurturing diverse young people and make a positive impact in our community. We...
Dear students and families, The great weather outside was matched the great fun inside GFSS this week. Who will ever forget the smiles and joy during our school’s Rock, Paper, Scissors Championship. With last Friday’s special pancake breakfast for all students,...
Dear Students and Families, Canada’s Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples is a priority across our country, and this is true at GFSS. BC’s public education system designs curriculum that allows all students to gain an understanding of the legacy of harms...
Dear Students and Families, It has been another great week at GFSS and students and staff are now launched into a year of powerful learning. There is excitement in the air as we all begin to get down to work on our first personalized projects, learning activities...