Dear students and families,
Now with the snow here, we drive more slowly, but at GFSS we aren’t pumping the brakes; the learning and fun is picking up! This past week, GFSS’s Global Citizenship Club hosted “Write for Rights” event to change lives and raise awareness of global injustices. Our basketball teams tested their skills on the courts at GFSS and around the West Kootenay. Each day this past week and next, Student Council has been raising school spirits with zany costumes and fun ways to brighten every student’s day. This coming Monday is team-colour day!
Also, this coming week, you are invited to join us on Dec 18 at GFSS to see and hear what our fine arts and practical arts students have been up to this fall. Our doors open at 6:00 pm for you to wander our gallery of visual art in the bistro. There you’ll find creations from our students in art, wood, and metal shop. At 6:30, the concert band will take the stage to bring you holiday favorites in the auditorium. There will be an intermission where the catering class will offer low-cost treats. The senior drama club’s comedy production, “10 ways to survive the Zombie Apocalypse” begins around 7:00. The cost for the band and drama performances is suggested at $10 or any donation amount to help recover production costs.
Limləmt (thank you in Nsyilxcən)
~Tom Eccleston, Principal GFSS
- Students, school is great, and it can get even better. Please continue to make our school safer and report concerning issues such as bullying or harassment either anonymously by clicking here, use the safety tips box in the hallway, or talk to a trusted adult. If you see or hear something, please say something.
- GFSS has the ‘Student and Family Affordability Fund” (a government grant) to help reduce the financial strain with respect to any school fee or cost to attend school or school activity. Please contact us if you have any financial need accessing school or have an expense related to your child’s education.
For your calendar…
- Dec 17, 2:00 Band Concert matinee (students from Dr D A Perley Elementary)
- Dec 18, 6:00 Celebration of Learning: Arts Gala
- Dec 19 Last Day before break (concert + passion day + invitational hockey game)
- Jan 6 School resumes
- Jan 16-21 Capstone Presentations (grade 12, various times)
- Jan 20, 6:00 PAC Meeting (in the Bistro or join virtually)
- Jan 29 Learning Launch: Semester 2 Begins